
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sailboat for Creative Writing

I found this sailboat at  I am a member, so I can give it to you.  The original graphic did not have a big, wide sail or lines on it.  I put it in Photoshop to warp it and make the boat red.  I am going to have a lesson on boats next week and am having the kids write a creative story about where they would sail away to.  I am also going to show them how to fold an origami paper boat that we can add a mast and sail to.

  I found these very simple and easy to follow directions at
  She had pinned them.  They are on my Baby Shower pinboard also. 
  You are basically making a sailorhat (top row), then pulling it open to flatten it the   opposite way. Then when you have a flat diagonal box (second row middle picture), you fold the bottom point up on both sides.  Finally, you pull out the two top flaps (bottom row) to make the boat.


  I then went to to order books involving boats.  I had to google for awhile in order to find ones that would make the kids start thinking.  I got the following:

The Boat in the Tree, by John Shelley

 The Pirates Next Door, by Jonny Duddle

Toy Boat, by Randall de Steve and Loren Long

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