
Friday, June 22, 2012

Porcupine 30th Prickly Party


We'll start off with a poem.  I have been writing "odes" to my daughter since she was young.  I wrote one last year entitled "Quit Your Belly  Achin' Just Because It's Your Birthday."  Her sister's boyfriend has given it a tune and is performing it this July at a club in our area.  So, when I saw the cutest porcupine picture this morning, I thought this would be a great theme for her party.  I found lots of pins on Pinterest this morning for food ideas.  I started a board titled Porcupine Party if you want ideas.  Keep reading below the poem for party ideas.

Everyone thinks that turning thirty
Is equated to something dark and dirty
Because they think they’re getting old.
But, there’s more to the story to be told.
Like a porcupine with quills to defend--
We have some advice for you, our friend.

We want you to know
That we will stick by you

Whenever you are feeling low.
If turning 30 makes you sickly,
We’ll stand by you when you’re feeling prickly;
If turning 30 makes you sharp,
We will listen as you harp.

But, we must insist you get to the point
Or we will quickly leave this joint.
The point is that there’s so much life
   ahead with zest,
That one more year’s just like the rest.

As time comes and more time goes;
Don’t let it get you in its throws.
Just live each day as the porcupine does,
Living without fear just because…
He’s cute and cuddly, but his back is loaded
With protection that’ll be exploded.

But, you have no enemies that we know
So, just enjoy each day as though
You have the biggest surprise to come
With lots of cake and lots of rum.

     I ordered two of the cutest porcupines from Ebay.  They are Disney's Mr. Pricklepants from Toy Story 3.  I have two long tables at the beach house.  So I will build a centerpiece for each around these characters.
     Because the beach house's deck is so dark, I am going to make a large porcupine out of a huge styrofoam ball, a cone, and several smaller blocks for feet.  I will wrap them in paper mache plaster strips from Michael's.  I'll take a photo and upload it when I'm done.  I can then paint it and add holes.  Inside each hole I will insert a neon glow stick.  I saw a pin of this done with a pumpkin, but fruit spoils eventually. 
     I'll definitely have pretzels sticking in some kind of a dip to make a porcupine.
     I purchased this porcupine couple this morning.  I am going to make large ones with fun foam on foam core.  I can later use these for a classroom lesson.  But, I am going to make stickers with them and put them on the sand buckets I bought for each of her friends.  I ordered clear plastic 12" x 18" envelopes from  I am going to use these for placemats.  I can change the theme whenever I want and they are washable.  I'll update the blog when they come in the mail and take a picture for you.

Of course, I'm just starting.  I'll be thinking up parlor games that thirty-somethings will like.  I've already bought a portable Corn Hole Game.  It was $30 from Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  I'll probably laminate and enlarge critters and put one on each board.

How cute can a porcupine get?  Pretty cute, if you ask me.


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