
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Lakeside Camping Themed Party

Lakeside Lodge

Because this Margaritaville was the first office party since Covid lockdowns,
the decision was not made until the last minute that we would have it.  I usually
spend 6 months preparing graphics and themed items.  I agreed to plan it if I could have a theme that already used all of my props and graphics.  This lodge
was actually a ski lodge from a holiday party.  I wanted the guests to feel like
they were at an upscale camping area.

You can see it here on the windows in the office's lobby, where we had "check-in."

I also set up a bear area where they grabbed their name tags.  I had two of the
above poles (I got on Etsy), where I attached camping arrows.

Because it was supposed to RAIN (a lot), I ordered two tents.  This first one
was bigger than we'd ever had before.  I also ordered the lights package. (Great

I used blue tableclothes on the kitchen existing 5 tables, along with my log holders,with mixed silk greenery.  I collected fish graphics online, printed them large for front and back and glued them with a stick between the layers.

I used green tablecloths in the kitchen area on the high tops, because I collected
blue enamel colored camping coffee pots (5) I used for these silk flower arrangements.  You can see the lake posters on the windows.  I bought silk 9'
trees for the office to soften things up.  I used these as props for this party.

I had used the wooden cabin for a previous party, but I did order the camper for this party.  The structure I built as a tiki hut was used, but instead of the grass
topper, I added another shelf on top.  Because of Covid, all the food was pre-wrapped in individual boxes. I bought stantions to keep the guests away from
the buffet.  I had waiters handing them food.  I bought cardboard trays on Amazon for the guests to use.  

I made individual chacuterie cups and put them in cellophane bags.  I also individually wrapped, in lidded bowls, the salad the catering company brought.

(This all worked beautifully.)

This photo doesn't do justice to the monitor.  These monitors are HUGE and I always add scenes to match the theme of the party. I used all of my wooden serving pieces to keep the dessert bar rustic.  Those are frog cake pops below the monitor.  I pulled out all of my Christmas trees to add to the theme.  All of the desserts were camping themed and individually wrapped also.

I made cut-out sugar cookies in fish and bear shapes.  I just used candy google eyes and brown and green sprinkles over the frosting. Below you
can see packaging for chocolate pretzel owls.


These brownis went fast.  I found the water themed sprinkles on Amazon.

The office has a long bar with stools in the kitchen since the remodeling.
I used my leaf runners along with my camper (which I have owned forever). I bought the picnic table, chairs, and fire on Etsy.

You can basket of silverware getting ready to go out to the buffet area, along with closer up of the posters on the windows.

I always provide one game for this party.  Here is my version of a fishing hole.
I bought the stuffed bass on Amazon and sewed a metal ring on each one.
I got the fishing poles on Etsy.  You only had one minute to get as many fish as you can.  A simple game.  Put a timer on any game, and it becomes challengng.

Here is the lush greenery that went on the buffet stand (minute my chargers underneath it).

No campground is complete without animals. Here they are all lined up at my house waiting to be loaded up for the party.

Here are the chacuterie cups before we wrapped them.  I got the idea on Pinterest.

Hubby was so excited about having a party again, that we made a trip to local nursery the Saturday before and bought new flowers to plant for the side garden.

My dining room becomes a pre-staging room before a party.  Here you can see the cardstock squares with camping items. I printed them, punch holes in them, and strung them on twine across the back of the tent above the buffet tables.
(We have to rent rectangular tables because during remodeling they got donated.)
You will also see the cardstock fish I printed (big online search here) that became a banner for the side tent.  There are more in the big book which I used to
make them stay flat. Below are small trees I scattered about for the party.

These posters were "supposed" to go outside on the two office windows by the grass area--where we put the fire pit.  We usually serve s'mores during this party.
I even bought a new fancy fire pit for the office, but it RAINED.  So having been a girl scout, I wasn't going to give up the idea.  I used one of my chicken feeder trays with five  burner cans amid a ton of small rocks.  I placed it, and the wire marshmallow sticks, along with pre-wrapped kits with s'more ingredients, on
the middle bar in the office along with the above posters.  These kits were a HUGE
hit and guests took extras home as favors.  We also had to put the band
inside near this area, because of RAIN.
(Did I mention it rained, ha ha.)

Well, this took me a long time to blog.  I am already deep into my plans
for Margaritaville 2022.  The theme?   New Orleans style.  I have been
having so much fun designing the posters.  Just a few more months.

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