Monday, August 6, 2012

Photos of Ballerina Monkey Shower

It's always fun to start off with a photo of the table.  The monkey ballerina on the motorcycle was a hit.  As was the box of cupcake onsies.  I even found pink monkey napkins on  The party started at 7pm.  We were afraid some of the guests might have skipped dinner, so we served chicken salad sandwiches and cheese and crackers along with the desserts.

Since the mom-to-be couldn't come across country for the shower, we put her picture on the mantle above the ballerina monkey banner.  We wrapped her gifts at the party and packed them in a HUGE box to be shipped to California.

I can't believe we actually got the centerpiece in a large gift bag, along with all of these surprises.  She has NO IDEA we did this.

I saw the cookie pizza idea on Pinterest.  I had the serving tier, so we went for it.  I had given my bff a baby foot pattern to cut the cookies.  Don't try using a cutter with store bought dough from a tube.  It spreads.  But, these were a big hit.

Here is the fun foam monkey ballerina welcoming everyone from her corner.

Here she is with the balloons attached. (My camera phone didn't do well here, but she is posted on a previous post). Directly above is her pattern on my table.

For the first game, each guest was given a shoe pattern.  They were to cut it out, write a message on the bottom, then glue it together with no directions. (Previous post has the pattern).

Patty, grandmother-to-be, and her daughter-in-law Alicia were the last to complete the shoe.  Two hours later (just kidding) they were laughing because they refused to give up.

Here are two guests working hard on the second game.  I will put this on the Monkey Ballerina post.  I researched "baby talk."  I found out it is actually good for the baby because it encourages them to speak.  But...finding 27 words to fill up three baby bottles took time.  I gave them the English words in the left bottles.  They had to write the baby talk words in the matching right bottles.  They loved this.

 Here are two more guests working hard.

 We dipped strawberries in pink chocolate.  We made flowered tartlets with pink lemonade filling.  We served the chunkie monkey cookie cups with chunkie monkey ice cream.  Mmmmm....

 Here is another member of the ballet class in her tutu in the wagon with the Cookies in a Jar prizes.  The recipe is on the tags.  I also made smaller favors in shaker jars with a home-made meat rub.  I didn't know how these would go over, but the guests LOVED the idea.


Please see the silver stacking cups in holder that I purchased on whim at Luckett's Antique Store.  I fell in love with them instantly.  The love continues after using them at the shower.  The kept the pink lemonade punch ice COLD for a very long time.  I can't use them for hot drinks, because they made the metal too hot to handle.  I could make cozies for them, but that's another post.

 Above is a close up of the onsie cupcakes. I found the how-to on Pinterest.  See Baby Shower Board.  I reused one of the quilt table runners from Erin's wedding.  I added pink gingham ruffles to each end.  

             Sara, when you see this post, we want you to know that we missed you at your East Coast Baby Shower.  We can't wait to see pictures of the baby when she comes. We wish you the very best in your new exciting life as a parent. 

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